Good indoor environment
A well-planned indoor environment can have an enormous positive impact on health. IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute has the tools and knowledge to ensure that your buildings meet certifications and classification systems, avoid hazardous substances and materials while protecting the earth's resources.
We spend 90 percent of our lives indoors. Design wisely for the person who will be staying inside your buildings, avoid hazardous substances and choose the right material for a good indoor environment. Sustainable construction and sustainable property management means thinking about the indoor environment; how the people who will be staying inside the building will feel good.
Hire IVL for:
- Measurements
- Chemical analyzes in our own laboratory
- Indoor environmental simulations when planning new construction and when analyzing existing buildings
- Suggestions for solutions
- Certification requirements
- Database of building materials that meet environmental requirements and help you with logbooks, deviation management and documentation on construction products, via our subsidiary BASTA
External link, opens in new window.
- Reference and labeling system when purchasing furniture, via our subsidiary Möbelfakta
External link, opens in new window.